The ever changing and competitive real estate market needs continuous innovative marketing strategies to ensure that real estate have a competitive edge in the industry. Our creative department is constantly developing new and previously unexplored strategies that are already giving satisfactory results to our clients.
So whether you are looking to sell/lease out your property or to buy/rent the same property, whether commercial or residential, Sweet Homes Management Properties Limited has your interests taken care of. The importance of leaving your property in the hands of a reliable and trusted agent can never be overemphasized. We uphold transparency and integrity, demonstrate professional competence, management and clear communication at all times.

About us

Welcome to Sweet Homes Management Properties Limited. “As a leading real estate company in Kenya, our company offers its expertise and client base to Kenya and seeks to revolutionize the property market. Our experienced team is committed to maintaining these high levels of professional service with unquestionable integrity and reliability whilst continually assessing the changing needs of the market place.

Get in touch

Sweet Homes Management Ltd

Head Office: 2nd Floor Suite 25,

Blessed  House- Thika Super Highway  , Opposite Gardens City.

Telephone:  020 2420004, 713 217 242,  734 400 200, 715 200 400

Branch Office: Kitengela Capital Centre 2nd Floor


Telephone:   020 8000 730 + 254 715 200 400, 713 217 242,  734 400 200, 715 200 400


Visitors Counter


Our Location

 Map of Thome, Nairobi